As to the finished song, Chelsea Clinton tweeted it. Then Hillary retweeted it. It was picked up by various sites like HuffPo and BuzzFeed. Well-Strung has performed it for Hillary herself at a PTown fundraiser and for President Obama at an LGBT/DNC fundraiser in New York. The YouTube video (embedded above) has over 200K views. Well-Strung was on national TV this morning performing the song and I'm very excited for them. This is a huge success for all involved and I should feel a little more on board with it. So you can see what I originally wrote (and I've highlighted the four lines that survived to the final tune), here are the lyrics to my CHELSEA'S MOM...
Chelsea's mom has got it going on.
Chelsea's mom has got it going on.
Chelsea's mom has got it going on.
Chelsea's mom has got it going on.
Chelsea, let’s go hit that voting booth (voting booth)
I want your mom, that’s the truth (that’s the truth)
Did your mom get back from Pakistan? (Pakistan)
Is she home, or is she in Russia kicking Putin’s can? (Putin’s can)
You know, she’s not the First Lady that she used to be
Michelle’s more stylish, but your mom’s the one for me
Chelsea's mom has got it goin' on
She's all we want and we've waited for so long
Palin, can't you see, she don’t even sit to pee
I know it might be wrong but I'm voting for Chelsea's mom
Chelsea's mom has got it goin' on
Chelsea's mom has got it goin' on
Chelsea, do you remember when we bought “Hard Choices?” (bought “Hard Choices”)
We squealed at the signing, I know she heard our voices (our voices)
I could tell she liked me from the way she stared (the way she stared)
And the way she called, "Secret Service!” I know she cared (I know she cared)
And I know that you think I’m all about the drama
But after the last eight years, I’m sorry I voted Obama
Chelsea's mom has got it goin' on
She's all we need, and we've waited so long
Bachmann, can't you see your IQ's fifty-three?
Yeah, Bengazi was a bomb,
but I'm voting for Chelsea's mom
Chelsea's mom has got it goin' on
She's all we want and we've waited for so long,
Christie can't you see, you’re just not Hillary!
Boehner’s just plain wrong but oh oh
(I know Boehner is wrong)
I'm voting for (Chelsea's mom oh oh)
(Chelsea’s mom oh oh)
I'm voting for Chelsea's mom
I highly recommend you check out (and buy) Well-Strung's new album POPssical, featuring CHELSEA'S MOM as a bonus track. I've not heard I'm getting any money for it (or even the chance to get in a Well-Strung sandwich), but buy with confidence.